A Note From Dad

Underwear Man is Dressed for Church

One of my resident superheroes, “Underwear Man”, dressed for the battlefront…which this morning is, apparently, church.

A hero’s hero, Underwear Man is able to leap a tall ottoman in a single bound. Able to stop speeding bullets (hey, those Nerf guns shoot pretty hard and fast nowadays). Faster than a loco…well he’s pretty fast, let’s just leave it at that. 🙂

Superpowers and technology include the Tornado Punch, Chameleon Camo (a.k.a. Wall Power – “for blending in with the wall”), Cool Cloaking (a.k.a. Invisibility), Karate Kick (pronounced Kay-Rah-Tee) and the Glue Gun (you know…to stick the bad guys to the wall). His kryptonite is…

Woah up there hoss! You didn’t really think I’d tell you that did you? Come on now, I can’t be giving away all his secrets…the enemy is, after all, lurking in the shadows just waiting to strike. Speaking of the enemy…
20140803-082943-30583329.jpgIs there evil afoot? Danger on the horizon? Trouble around the corner? Nah…just trying to remember if the underwear is clean or dirty.

“Oh yeah, it’s clean!” Victory!

Underwear Man…tirelessly defending the world from the bad monkey in the attic. Oh, and raccoons…he keeps us safe from raccoons too. And evil lions…don’t forget all the evil lions he’s saved us from. Oh, and elephants. Yeah, definitely the elephants too.

Thanks for all you do Underwear Man. You rock!



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