A Note From Dad

Salvation vs. Relationship

Today I’m reflecting on some of the many prayer requests that have come across my path this week.  For whatever reason, it seems that a lot more prayer needs have been brought to my attention this week…more than I recall in recent months anyway.  It makes it painfully obvious that we’re living in a broken world filled with pain, calamity and heartache…and we can only find a true peace within a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Like any relationship, though, we have to invest something to get something.

Our relationship with family, friends and even coworkers requires some level of commitment on our part to be successful.  If one party is always on the receiving end…never giving…never sacrificing things like time, effort, talents, and commitment to grow and deepen the relationship, then it remains a shallow existence.  On the surface, it looks…and feels…good.  As long as the waters of life are smooth, the relationship runs smoothly.  But once the winds pick up and the waves start rocking back and forth, the relationship won’t hold because it’s not rooted in commitment from both parties.  The foundation is week.  A deeply committed relationship has to be rooted in selflessness, not selfishness.  It has to be a two-way street of give and take…not a one-way street of take and take.
The foundation Christ provides for our relationship with Him is solid.  It’s built on strong and unwavering rock, and it’s deeply rooted in the numerous selfless acts of love He demonstrated throughout His life, leading up to the ultimate sacrifice…dying a brutal death for us.  The foundation for our relationship with Christ is found in the Holy Word, upon which we can see and know Him.  He already knows us: “Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began.” – Psalm 139:16)  To deepen our relationship, it’s up to us to get to know Him.

While our salvation through the grace of Christ is a free gift to all who accept, to fully benefit from the RELATIONSHIP, we have to get to know Him…and we can only do that through the Word of God.  The Word of God is alive, and it has endured the test of time.  It is as alive today as it was when He first breathed it into existence…and it will continue to live as it endures all that is yet to come…FOREVER.

“For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” – 1 Peter 1:23
Imperishable…living…enduring.  God has something for you within the pages of His Word today.  He already did His part.  He’s already invested in the relationship.  He’s waiting for us to stop taking and start giving…to start investing.  If you already have the salvation of Christ, then it’s time to deepen your RELATIONSHIP with Christ by investing time in reading the Word.  It’s the only way we can fully draw upon the power within.
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